Learning Front End Development

The first step in learning any new language, library or framework is to take a broad overview of its purpose for existing and place in a stack, then review the use cases, syntax and native methods.


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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod, repellat.

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In Person

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Learn the Fundamentals

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the foundational languages of all web development.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur ut amet natus hic rerum? Perspiciatis, ut voluptatibus! Alias, omnis deleniti labore amet hic corporis, deserunt laboriosam, maxime architecto dolorem saepe.

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Discover React

React is an amazing front end framework that provides reusable components for displaying dynamic webpages.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur ut amet natus hic rerum? Perspiciatis, ut voluptatibus! Alias, omnis deleniti labore amet hic corporis, deserunt laboriosam, maxime architecto dolorem saepe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm currently located in the western part of the state of NY, in the United States of America. This country is one of 3 on the continent of North America, which is on the surface of the planet Earth. This planet is currently orbiting a medium sized star, which is orbiting a black hole at the center of a spiral galaxy, which itself is hurtling through an expanding universe at an accelerating speed away from every other galaxy not located in our local group.

Most all of the documentation for anything computer/coding/development related that you could possibly want to learn is freely and readily available on the internet. All you have to do is put the time and effort in consistently to learn and get better at it.

It really depends on what your objectives are. If you're just interested out of intellectual curiosity and have no prior experience, you can just play around with beginner level HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you want to be a professional front end developer you will need to become advanced in those 3 fundamental languages and then put several hundred hours in learning frameworks and making projects.

You only have a finite amount of time in this lifetime and this lifetime may or may not be the entirety of your existence. Any time spent on one activity or endeavour is inherently time that is foregone pursuing all other possible activities and not all outcomes are of equal desirability, to say the least. Choose wisely.

New England patriots fans. These people have proven themselves time and again to be of the lowest character and intellect and to those people I would recommend videos on the fascinating world of trash collection and maybe do-it-yourself sterilization, in order to aid posterity.

The Instructors

Some of these instructors have actually been doing development for 5+ years. Or maybe not, I dunno.

Scott Hall

Mr Hall hails from parts unknown and in a world full of wannabe good guys, Scott wasn't one of them. He might not be great at web development but bad times don't last, bad guys do.

Bret Hart

Born in Calgary, Bret has been doing front end development since the 1970's. He prides himself on excellence and will often tell you that he's the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.

Randy Poffo

Randy is from Columbus, OH and has always possessed high flying design skills. He tried his hand at baseball but eventually realized his place was in the squared circle, fully shaven and rolling around with men in tights.

Contact Info

  • Main Location: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington D.C.
  • Main Phone: (555) 555-5555
  • Emergency Phone: (999) 999-9999.
  • Bat Phone: (001) 101-0110